Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heart to Heart

Yes I know it's not February the "heart health month" but hey...heart attacks don't pay any attention to the month or day. So heads up my friends this is some good info you need to pay attention to! Or should I say hearts up. :)

Let's get to know and appreciate your heart; your heart works very hard! In twelve hours the heart will produce enough energy to lift three fully loaded commercial buses off the ground!

Everyday the heart beats between 85,000 and 115,00 times with 5,000 gallons of blood traveling thousands of miles through your blood vessels!

In fact, the circulating blood can be likened to a river that flows through an intricate system of arteries and veins so immense that if you were to lay them end-to-end, they would extend 100,000 miles! Think of it! Your vascular network is more than twice as large as the circumference of the earth, yet your blood makes a complete voyage through the body about once a minute! AWESOME!!

If you live to be 70, your heart is going to beat over two million times which means that when God designed your heart, he made one of the most amazing cardiovascular pumps that the mind of man can fathom. Yet.......Cardiovascular diseases remain the number one killer in North America. It kills nearly 30% of us! In fact, it kills more women than all forms of cancer, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, AIDS, diabetes and accidents combined. According to Robert Willix, Jr., M.D.

  • over 1,000,000 people die each year due to heart disease!

  • Every second someone dies of a heart attack!

  • Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) accounts for 300.000 deaths each year - that's one every 60 seconds!

  • 95% die before reaching the hospital!

  • 100.000 athletes die each year from SCD!

  • 60% of youth are at risk for heart disease!

  • 500,000 women every year die from heart disease!

  • The effects of Heart Disease is like 7 Boeing 747's crashing with no survivors every day, or........

  • It's like 9/11 & the twin towers happening everyday!

  • 50 million people in the USA have hypertension and 30% of those 50 million are undiagnosed!

Did you know that in 1900, heart disease was almost unheard of? Most people died of complications of pneumonia, not heart attacks or cancer or diabetes for that matter.

Heart disease manifests itself in a number of ways:

  • Atherosclerosis - which are blocked arteries

  • Angina - which is pain from not enough oxygen reaching the heart

  • Arrhythmia - which is abnormal heart beat

  • Congestive Heart Failure - which is an inability of the heart to effectively pump enough blood

  • Aneurysms - which is a swelling of the arterial wall with risk of rupture

And then there is the obvious; High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack and Stroke! Cold hands and feet may also be the result of a failing cardiovascular system as well; ........and as the risk factors for cardiovascular disease become more and more prevalent, the incidence of disease increases at younger and younger ages. Everytime I hear of a teenager dropping dead from a heart attack on the ball field or the track, I think how tragic! Because it is so preventable!

Before I list the most common signs of a heart attack or stroke, wouldn't you like to know if you were already on that road? And how far down that road you were before you have one of those warning signs? Remember, the first sign for some is SUDDEN DEATH!

A simple non-invasive screening with the Digital Pulsewave Analyzer (DPA) can do just that in one minute by giving you a complete picture of your entire cardiovascular system, looking for restrictions in your large & small arteries; as well as your capillaries. It checks the strength of your heart muscle, grades your entire system, checks the hyration level of your arteries, provides you with the biological age of your arteries, plus much more! To schedule an appointment for a DPA Screening call: Pat Blasingame at: 713-450-2014 or Gene Blasingame at; 713-453-8274

Did you know: that the Everlast INNERgy bracelets can have a positive effect on your arteries? Read on for Everlast INNERgy testimony! Check out for a complete line of Tourmaline/Si Bin products.

Sharon came to Healthy Rewards looking for natural remedies for erratic blood pressure; she took a Digital Pulse Wave Analyzer (DPA) screening and the results showed major restriction in the large artery, a letter grade of F?G with a biological age of 80 years or more. After placing the adjustable Everlast INNERgy bracelet on and retesting, there was much improvement. The restriction in the large artery was greatly improved, the letter grade was a B with a biological age of 57! Needless to say Sharon was very impressed. She bought an adjustable bracelet right then & there to wear on her ankle. But the story continues........ That night she slept with the bracelet on her ankle. She has two cats; one sleeps with her at the head of the bed, the other cat sleeps on the floor. But that night she woke up to find both cats sleeping on her ankle that had the bracelet. That following day every time she sat down the cats would snuggle up to the ankle with the bracelet. They sensed the energy coming from the tourmaline/si bin bracelet. You can't fool animals!

Most Common Heart Attack Warning Signs:

  • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.

  • Discomfort in one or both arms or in the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

  • Shortness of breath, which may occur with or without chest discomfort.

  • cold sweat, nausea, light headedness.

Most Common Stroke Warning Signs:

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, leg, especially on one side of the body.

  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.

  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

  • sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Did you know:

  • That every 53 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke.

  • That a death from a stroke takes place every three minutes.

  • That more people visit their doctor's office for hypertension/highblood pressure than for any other reason.

Have you scheduled that appointment for a DPA Screening?

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