Friday, January 27, 2012

All Natural Shingles Remedy!

Happy New Year!!

Here we are in January, 2012; a new year! A time for reflecting on the past year, evaluating, deciding what to keep and what to change, renewing our health: mentally, physically and emotionally!

Unfortunately January is also the beginning of Flu Season. In a past posting on this health blog, I went over what happens before a person succumbs to the Flu; (look for the first 2010 blog) how the immune system becomes suppressed and compromised so that the body is now suseptible to bacteria and viruses.

When the immune system becomes suppressed or compromised by the stressful activities of the holidays and all the rich sugary foods, the Flu Virus is not the only health problem that can occur! There are different kinds of viruses and the Shingles Virus is one that can be a painful reality when the immune system becomes suppressed.

A pain like no other!
It may start out with an irritated, itchy feeling but clusters of blisters will soon be evident. each little blister is a separate torture factory! And when touched however lightly it sends a searing pain to the companion blister on the opposite side of the body! It is a pain like no other! There are clusters of these blisters and they can occur on any part of the body; on the front and at the same area on the back of the body. They can occur just under the rib cage front and back, on the goin area front and back; my husband had them on his side front and back when he was in his early fifties, my grand daughter had them on her shoulder front and back when she was under a year old! So it's not just an elderly person problem.

The blisters and pain can last for weeks and sometimes longer; even when the blisters are gone there is still pain; my mother in law had pain from shingles that lasted over a year! A long time friend still suffered from intense pain of Shingles and had to take pain medication three times a day even when the blisters were gone! Fortunately I was able to come up with a formula to put on the area and that day he was relieved from his pain. He continued until the ointment was used up and never had another pain!

Essential Oils, a healing annointing. Since being educated in Essential Oils and other natural remedies, I believe there can be a shorter healing time. One such client broke out on a Thursday and began an aggressive natural remedy potocol, which I will share with you, and on Friday a week later there was no more pain & the blisters were nonexistent!

Viruses have a purpose! Yes that's what I said! Every living thing has a purpose and the purpose of a virus is to devour built up toxins in the tissues, bloodstream, etc. So finding a way to quickly detoxify your body without too much extra strain on the body is the first thing to be considered.
1. The Ionic Foot Bath is my recommendation. The benefit of the Ionic Footbath is that it takes the burden of detoxification off of the body and if done on a regular basis, (once or twice a week) there will be less toxic material for viruses to feed off.
2. A good brand of whole vitamin C. Consult with a Certified Natural Health Professional to find out by Muscle Response Testing or by Frequency Technology Testing, how many milligrams per day of Vitamin C. One client started with 30,000 milligrams per day of Vitamin C with Rosehips. No this is not a Type O, yes I said 30,000 milligrams. When your body is in a crisis it will use every milligram! After two days the client reduced the amount to 15,000 milligrams per day. After two more days and because there was a 50% improvement, the amount was reduced to 6,000 milligrams. Keep in mind that during those large amounts there was no upset stomach what so ever! On the 7th day there was no more pain and very little evidence of shingles but 6,000 milligrams of Vitamin C was taken as a precaution. The result was major bowel intolerance. The body simply didn't need that much Vitamin C any longer.
3. Essential Oils for killing the virus! Essential Oils are distilled from herbs, spices, roots, bark of trees & flowers. They are God's gifts to his beloved children to use when our health is in crisis. In the Old Testament, the Children of Israel were healed from a deadly plague by breathing the incense of certain plants, barks of trees, twigs, etc. Essential Oils can be taken by mouth and used topically. A few drops of Thieves Essential oil in four ounces of water can be consumed several times a day. Thieves Oil can also be used topically several times per day when necessary. If the area is too sensitive then Thieves can be diluted with same amounts of Vitamin E Oil.

I have my own formula that has been tried and proven that I will mix and send to anyone in need. In a 5 milliliter bottle the cost is $30 plus S&H. A few drops per application is all that is needed and can be applied several times a day.

5. Silver Shield is a cooling and soothing solution. Silver Shield is a Colloidal Silver Gel from Natures Sunshine that can be applied after the Essential Oil formula.

6. A special skin cream that is my own formula should also be used to enhance and promote the healing and repairing of skin tissue.

7. Protease digestive enzymes a powerful weapon against viruses! The client took about ten Protease enzymes before bedtime each night. All viruses try to fool the immune system with a protective coating of protein. Protease enzymes digest the protein coating and making the virus more defenseless.

8. Infrared Laser Light Therapy an amazing technology for speeding up the healing process on the skin as well as healing deep into the tissues! The client took advantage of this technology which is excellent for skin issues of all kinds. I personally have an Infrared Laser Light Bed that exposes the entire body at once. And I have a smaller Beauty Laser Light that concentrates on a smaller area. You can also purchase an Infrared pen Laser that is no bigger than a writing pen. All are healing to the skin.

For personal counceling on this subject or to order any of these remedies or to make an appointment for special screenings, Raindrop Therapy or the Ionic Foot Bath. Contact Pat Blasingame @ 1-877-barleyg or