Sunday, October 16, 2011

24 K Gold Replenishing Serum

SOLEX INNERgy, formerly Everlast INNERgy, has a most valuable moisturizer for skin!

SOLEX INNERgy's 24-karat Gold Replenishing Serum is the result of this company's efforts to develop a natural, safe supplement for the skin. What goes on the skin is even more important than what we ingest! When we eat or drink something that is not healthy, our body's defenses kick in with several safety measures; digestive juices especially hydrochloric acid is there to destroy pathogens, if that doesn't work, vomiting or diarrhea quickly remove the culprit. And the liver filters everything. But the skin has no such chain of defenses; what goes on the skin goes right to the cells of the body. A "rule of thumb" for some is, "if it would make you sick to ingest it then don't put it on your skin!"

SOLEX INNERgy's 24-karat Gold Replenishing Serum contains real, 24- karat gold flakes!

Gold in and of itself has many naturally wonderful qualities!

  • Reduces the effects of aging - some ladies are using the gold serum to reduce the appearance of brown spots on their skin!

  • Anti-bacterial - Gene suffers from fever blisters on occasion. He has found that by using the gold serum at the very beginning of a blister it stops it from getting worse & dries up quickly!

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Pain Reduction - Misty used the gold serum for relief of "mystery pain" in her back and found that the pain was greatly reduced!

The anti-aging benefits of gold can be traced back 5,000 years to Cleopatra, who was said to sleep in a gold face mask every night to enhance the suppleness of her complexion and preserve its natural luminosity! Egyptians believed the healing powers of gold could cure all manner of physical, mental and spiritual ailments. Romans used gold preparations for treatment of skin lesions and sores. In ancient Chinese medicine, gold was the secret to youthful skin.Today gold leaf is used in the treatment and rejuvenation of skin conditions. In addition to anti-oxidant and anti-microbial powers, gold is praised for its purported ability to ward off UV damage, tighten lax skin and reduce the appearance of discoloration. Some believe it can slow the breakdown of elastin, keeping skin firm and taut; other proponents believe gold increases circulation, eliminating toxins from the body and speeding up tissue repair!

A news feed from the World Gold Council reports: a gold leaf facial treatment created in Japan declaring gold leaf put directly on the face naturally rejuvenates skin and reduces wrinkles. According to the creators of the treatment, gold locks in moisture and keeps skin firm by maintaining collagen in the skin and inhibiting the breakdown of elastin. A study appearing in the "Journal of the American Medical Association", reported the effect of gold leaf on low blood-flow skin ulcers! Findings showed a significant improvement in mouth legions and skin ulcers with no adverse reactions to gold leaf observed!

Gold is thought to have anti-bacterial properties; and help transport oxygen molecules into the skin for cell-renewal to treat ulcers and inflammatory disorders of the skin. Some skin healing benefits of gold were demonstrated by an in vitro chrysotherapy study by the University of Miami School of Medicine, which found that concentrations of gold administered in skin actually inhibited prostagladin synthesis. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology reported that the findings suggest gold is beneficial in treating auto-immune diseases, inflammation and inhibits skin enzymes involved in blister formation!

About the other active ingredients:

  • Jojoba Oil - pronouced (ho-ho-ba) is a botanical extract of the seed of the Jojoba Tree. What's interesting about it is that it isn't actually an oil, but rather what is called a wax ester. Out of all the compounds in nature, this wax ester is the most similar to human skin oil; balancing the oil production of the skin. It provides all day moisturization because it doesn't evaporated like water based moisturizers can. It does not become rancid or lose antioxidants even after long periods of storage. It spreads well and absorbs well.

  • Vitamin E Oil - when applied on the skin, acts like an antioxidant which prevents the formation of free radicals on the skin and protects it from any kind of damage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is anti-aging, useful for reducing fine lines and wrinkles of the skin. It is used to treat sunburns by being absorbed into the epidermis layer of the skin. It is useful for removing acne scars from the skin. Vitamin E Oil prevents water loss from the skin and helps to retain its natural moisture.

  • Honey - honey's natural anti-oxidant and anti-micrbial proerties help to protect the skin. It supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving it feeling silky soft and supple. Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent.

  • Grape Seed Extract - contains a vast array of health giving ingredients, such as protein, lipids, carbohydrates and polyphenols. One particular type of phenol found in grape seed is called procyanidin. Procyanidins bond with collagen, the most abundant protein in the body and a key component of skin, gums, bones, teeth, hair and body tissues. The bonding pomotes cell health and skin elasticity, making it seem more youthful, in a process that works almost like a natural face-lift!

This exclusive serum not only moisturizes your face, it nourishes it! With all the ingredients in this wonderful, luxurious serum, why wouldn't you want to use it every day for the rest of your life?

Don't think you can afford it? Probably not if you bought it from any of the major department stores at over $100 dollars!

But not if you go to and buy it for $60 dollars!

Do you want to pay even less than that? Like half that price? Join my team with SOLEX INNERgy and make the 24-karat gold replenishing serum your auto ship item. At this price you can give them as gifts! I do!

Contact me, Pat Blasingame at 713-453-1117, email

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Medicine Cabinet in a Bottle!

The most powerful, personal size, negative ION emitter! It converts ordinary water into highly energized, Negative ION, Far Infrared Charged, Micro Cluster-Water!

What is this incredible product?

The Everlast INNERgy Negative ION H2O ION Mister!

Negative ION energized mist with high intensity Tourmaline & Si Bin ceramic beads.

  • Relieves pain

  • Tightens, soothes & softens skin

  • Relieves burning & itching

  • Accelerates healing of sores & cuts

  • Relieves irritation from insect bites

  • Kills bacteria on contact

  • Kills fungus over time

Fill with ordinary tap water or filtered water, shake, and spray liberally & often on ALL living things to maximize effects.

So many benefits in this one little bottle you'll be amazed!

  • A quick shot of energy when sprayed on the face and back of neck!

  • Helps to clean skin of acne and other blemishes.

  • Clears nasal clogging when sprayed directly into nose.

  • Bacteria eliminated on contact and kills most fungus over time.

  • Improves hair and skin conditions such as dry scalp and rough skin.

  • Relieves sun burn pain and may prevent peeling. Keep reading for a personal testimony of sunburn relief and NO PEELING!

  • Health benefits for plants and animals when misted.

Are you curious yet?

So if you could turn ordinary water into a natural medicine that had all these benefits, is that something you would want? And if the energy in this water lasted for 70 YEARS, what would you expect to pay for it? ......... A hundred dollars?.......... Two hundred?......... Three hundred & fifty? $350.00 would only be $5 per year. Wouldn't that be a pretty good bargain?

How about $90.00! That's just barely over $1.00 per year! Now that's a bargain!

The Tourmaline/Si Bin Ceramic beads that energize ordinary water are simply re-charged by placing them in the day light every few months for a couple of hours at a time, then place them back in the spray bottle; add water to rinse, drain and fill back up. Continue to enjoy the benefits of this "Medicine Cabinet in a Bottle" for the next 70 YEARS!

To get your own Negative ION H2O Mister call Pat Blasingame at 713-450-2014 or go to to order one & see other amazing products! Like the 24k Gold Moisturizing Serum!

Now for that personal sunburn story:

The temperature in Texas was in the triple digits the week we were at the ranch in the Hill Country with our 5 year old great grandson. Along with riding up & down the hills and looking for "wild animals " we spent a lot of time in one of the spring fed swimming holes.

Even though I saturated our little guy with sunscreen because he is blond/blue eyed & fair skinned; he got sunburned on his back and shoulders anyway. I even got a pretty good sunburn on my back.

Now everyone knows how it's double the burn effect when you are on the water. So everyday while we were there and after we got back home I sprayed both our backs with the Negative ION H2O Mister. It took the burning away quickly; and we never blistered or peeled!

I am so loving the Negative ION H2O Mister; I carry it with me everywhere I go. I use it for just about everything. It's like having a natural "Medicine Cabinet in a Bottle!"

Contact Pat Blasingame at 713-450-2014 or go to

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heart to Heart

Yes I know it's not February the "heart health month" but hey...heart attacks don't pay any attention to the month or day. So heads up my friends this is some good info you need to pay attention to! Or should I say hearts up. :)

Let's get to know and appreciate your heart; your heart works very hard! In twelve hours the heart will produce enough energy to lift three fully loaded commercial buses off the ground!

Everyday the heart beats between 85,000 and 115,00 times with 5,000 gallons of blood traveling thousands of miles through your blood vessels!

In fact, the circulating blood can be likened to a river that flows through an intricate system of arteries and veins so immense that if you were to lay them end-to-end, they would extend 100,000 miles! Think of it! Your vascular network is more than twice as large as the circumference of the earth, yet your blood makes a complete voyage through the body about once a minute! AWESOME!!

If you live to be 70, your heart is going to beat over two million times which means that when God designed your heart, he made one of the most amazing cardiovascular pumps that the mind of man can fathom. Yet.......Cardiovascular diseases remain the number one killer in North America. It kills nearly 30% of us! In fact, it kills more women than all forms of cancer, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, AIDS, diabetes and accidents combined. According to Robert Willix, Jr., M.D.

  • over 1,000,000 people die each year due to heart disease!

  • Every second someone dies of a heart attack!

  • Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) accounts for 300.000 deaths each year - that's one every 60 seconds!

  • 95% die before reaching the hospital!

  • 100.000 athletes die each year from SCD!

  • 60% of youth are at risk for heart disease!

  • 500,000 women every year die from heart disease!

  • The effects of Heart Disease is like 7 Boeing 747's crashing with no survivors every day, or........

  • It's like 9/11 & the twin towers happening everyday!

  • 50 million people in the USA have hypertension and 30% of those 50 million are undiagnosed!

Did you know that in 1900, heart disease was almost unheard of? Most people died of complications of pneumonia, not heart attacks or cancer or diabetes for that matter.

Heart disease manifests itself in a number of ways:

  • Atherosclerosis - which are blocked arteries

  • Angina - which is pain from not enough oxygen reaching the heart

  • Arrhythmia - which is abnormal heart beat

  • Congestive Heart Failure - which is an inability of the heart to effectively pump enough blood

  • Aneurysms - which is a swelling of the arterial wall with risk of rupture

And then there is the obvious; High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack and Stroke! Cold hands and feet may also be the result of a failing cardiovascular system as well; ........and as the risk factors for cardiovascular disease become more and more prevalent, the incidence of disease increases at younger and younger ages. Everytime I hear of a teenager dropping dead from a heart attack on the ball field or the track, I think how tragic! Because it is so preventable!

Before I list the most common signs of a heart attack or stroke, wouldn't you like to know if you were already on that road? And how far down that road you were before you have one of those warning signs? Remember, the first sign for some is SUDDEN DEATH!

A simple non-invasive screening with the Digital Pulsewave Analyzer (DPA) can do just that in one minute by giving you a complete picture of your entire cardiovascular system, looking for restrictions in your large & small arteries; as well as your capillaries. It checks the strength of your heart muscle, grades your entire system, checks the hyration level of your arteries, provides you with the biological age of your arteries, plus much more! To schedule an appointment for a DPA Screening call: Pat Blasingame at: 713-450-2014 or Gene Blasingame at; 713-453-8274

Did you know: that the Everlast INNERgy bracelets can have a positive effect on your arteries? Read on for Everlast INNERgy testimony! Check out for a complete line of Tourmaline/Si Bin products.

Sharon came to Healthy Rewards looking for natural remedies for erratic blood pressure; she took a Digital Pulse Wave Analyzer (DPA) screening and the results showed major restriction in the large artery, a letter grade of F?G with a biological age of 80 years or more. After placing the adjustable Everlast INNERgy bracelet on and retesting, there was much improvement. The restriction in the large artery was greatly improved, the letter grade was a B with a biological age of 57! Needless to say Sharon was very impressed. She bought an adjustable bracelet right then & there to wear on her ankle. But the story continues........ That night she slept with the bracelet on her ankle. She has two cats; one sleeps with her at the head of the bed, the other cat sleeps on the floor. But that night she woke up to find both cats sleeping on her ankle that had the bracelet. That following day every time she sat down the cats would snuggle up to the ankle with the bracelet. They sensed the energy coming from the tourmaline/si bin bracelet. You can't fool animals!

Most Common Heart Attack Warning Signs:

  • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.

  • Discomfort in one or both arms or in the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

  • Shortness of breath, which may occur with or without chest discomfort.

  • cold sweat, nausea, light headedness.

Most Common Stroke Warning Signs:

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, leg, especially on one side of the body.

  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.

  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

  • sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Did you know:

  • That every 53 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke.

  • That a death from a stroke takes place every three minutes.

  • That more people visit their doctor's office for hypertension/highblood pressure than for any other reason.

Have you scheduled that appointment for a DPA Screening?